Who We Are

Our Vision: To know Christ and make Him known!

Our Mission: We seek the Kingdom of God as we embrace all people and share the experience of God’s steadfast love in Jesus Christ through our core values.


Worship at CCC is informal and authentic to the congregation including contemporary and traditional music, meditative moments, drama, a sermon, prayers and an offering that includes presentation of prayer requests.   We believe the experience of corporate worship is to be a microcosm of life in that congregants continue through the week with acts of praise, meditation, Bible study, and other disciplines practiced as we seek to know Christ and the joy of kingdom living!


Apprenticeship is the heart of the Gospel and the key to more effective worship, fellowship, ministry and mission! Through discipleship we discover the joy of kingdom living! The Holy Spirit is calling us to be a people of prayer ever being transformed by the power of the Word and Spirit into Jesus’ image as we seek to be aware of God’s Presence in all of life. Apprenticeship doesn’t just happen, but must be intentionally practiced through the exercise of spiritual disciplines. In summary, discipleship is learning from Jesus about Jesus how to be like Jesus!

We seek to incorporate the seven traditions of apprenticeship that flow from the life of Christ: the Contemplative Tradition, the Holiness Tradition, the Charismatic Tradition, the Evangelical Tradition, the Social Justice Tradition, and the Abba, Father Tradition. These seven streams have nurtured the Church through her two thousand years of history.


Fellowship in the Body of Christ is an expression of our fellowship with the Father through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit! We gather after worship every Sunday for a time of friendship and refreshment, celebrating birthdays once a month.  Life Groups are, not only an opportunity to deepen our relationships with one another, but also, an opportunity to discover together the joy of life in the kingdom of God!

We believe we are the household of God of which Jesus Christ is the Head. We are called to love one another and extend mercy when we fail or sin, even as we are loved by Christ. In Christ we accept and include all of God’s children as part of God’s family, and affirm the value and dignity of every human being.


Ministry is the care of the Body of Christ for the Body of Christ expressed in many different ways! Jesus said,
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this they will know that you are my disciples. John 13:34-35a

We believe God is calling us to serve Jesus Christ by serving one another! Ministry is the task of the church to look after the temporal needs of those committed to following Christ! Every disciple of Jesus is a minister in the church, utilizing their respective spiritual gifts to care for the Body of Christ. Time is spent discovering our respective gifts and choosing ministries to enrich the lives of others and glorify God.


Missions is the outreach of the Body of Christ to the world around us! CCC houses the homeless in our Community Center for the months of January and March, providing snacks when they arrive and lunch to take with them when they leave. When a month has a fifth Saturday disciples can be found in our kitchen preparing a nutritious meal to be served by another group from the congregation that evening at the homeless shelter. We continually collect food for the Upper Darby Food Cupboard. We have a healthy Mission Budget that provides for missions in the metro-Philadelphia area and around the world. CCC is a giving congregation with a passion to make Christ known so that others can experience the joy of kingdom living!